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Location: Alameda, San Francisco Bay Area, United States

Friday, January 27, 2006


With impotent fingers I try to write--
a sad attempt!--it all sounds trite.
Ideas, one by one, seem to go on strike,
marching pickets down my hair's split ends
like mutinous soldiers--a dubious society of friends--
safeguarding the mind for no thought to attend.
Oh, 'tis a shame, a sham, a crime
when once upon a time
I almost choked on ready rhymes
only to find my muse is now anorexic,
and, by god, I've turned dyslexic!

©2006 b.cisek

dys·lex·ia (dis-'lek-sE-&), noun: a variable often familial learning disability involving difficulties in acquiring and processing language that is typically manifested by a lack of proficiency in reading, spelling, and writing
definition taken from merriam-webster online


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